93% vs 30%. You decide.
People Person has a 93% fill rate of all the vacancies worked on since opening - this is compared to the U.K. industry average of about 30% (2021).
You may be wondering why?
Simple - instead of working on 30+ roles like an average recruiter does, I only work on 4 at the time. Also, I come from inside the hospitality industry and have worn many hats during my career.
This allows me to fully understand your needs, but especially to focus on the match made on the cultural level.
Anyone can send you a CV. Not anyone will go to the lengths of market mapping and selectively headhunting candidates with the matching background.
In the past I have transformed the teams of the World’s most famous whisky producer, the best British golf course, the World’s 17th Best 5-star hotel, 2 and 3 Michelin Star restaurants and international private members clubs.
If you would like to find out more how I can help you build your team, please schedule a consultation call below: